Nile University of Science and Technology NUST is a member of the International Association of Universities (IAU). The IAU brings together members from over 130 countries to think and act on common priorities. The IAU is a bilingual (English and French) independent non-governmental organization. It serves as the global voice in higher education for UNESCO and other international higher education institutions, providing a global forum for leaders of institutions and associations. Its services are available primarily to members, but also to organizations, institutions, authorities, individual policy-makers, decision-makers, professionals, administrators, teachers, researchers and students involved in higher education. The IAU is an official partner of UNESCO https://www.whed.net

International Association of Universities (IAU https://iau-aiu.net/IAU-New-Members-March-2023

Nile University of Science and Technology NUST is a member of the IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council; IDP IELTS; and Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Nile University of Science and Technology NUST is among the 1500 top best universities in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings THE. THE take the top institutions in the world, and look at their performance across all of their core objectives: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook. Nile University of Science and Technology NUST has been future in World University Ranking of Times Higher Education https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/nile-university-science-and-technology

Nile University of Science and Technology is a member of the Association of African Universities (AAU). The AAU is the apex organization and forum for consultation, exchange of information and co-operation among institutions of Higher Education in Africa. AAU’s vision is to be the leading advocate for higher education in Africa, with the capacity to assist our member organizations in meeting national and continental needs and has to enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in Africa and strengthen its contribution to African development. https://aau.org/

Full accreditation is awarded by the International union of Universities, Faculty Qualifications, Program Delivery, Student Services, and Research and Performance after evaluation in the following areas: based in Turkey

Nile University of Science and Technology is accredited by the Somali Ministry of Education, Culture, and Higher Education with the registration license number is WWHTS/XAG/42/2017. https://moe.gov.so/en/

A higher education ranking is a tool that measures the performance of higher education institutions according to a number of criteria and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that measure specific aspects of the operation of higher education institutions. https://ranking.heranking.com/2023/nust.edu.so

Nile University of Science and Technology is fully accredited as a degree-granting institution by the Accreditation Board of African Universities Directory (AUDAB). AUDAB is a database of accredited African universities, educational systems, research, jobs, scholarships, internships, seminars, conferences, news and everything about African education for Africans and the whole world. The African University Directory (AUD) was conceived in 2015 by a group of African scholars, working with the slogan ‘promoting education for the sake of education is money’. Recognizing the value of education to people, AUD has created a free database for research scholar exchanges and other opportunities shared by universities, institutions, faculty, students, research centers and businesses across Africa . https://africanuniversitydirectory.org

The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, also known as Ranking Web of Universities, is a ranking system for the world’s universities based on a composite indicator that takes into account both https://www.webometrics.info/en/detalles/nust.edu.so

Reference Record, a platform dedicated to recording and documenting information of individuals, students, and enthusiasts in an organized and structured manner. We strive to provide a safe and reliable environment for everyone to securely store their academic, scientific, professional, and personal data in an easily accessible manner. Our key features include recording academic documents, results, academic records, and personal information, facilitating the monitoring of individuals’ progress for job applications, appointments, and cognitive performance analysis. With our simple and user-friendly design and robust technology, we aim to achieve a comfortable and efficient experience for all users.